Need Help for Join Page

I have tables for my organization’s board of directors.
The BoardPositions table holds each position, with fields describing the position.
Currently, I have a board members table and form, and I added the form as a page of my BoardPositions form, making it a list page, which points to the Members table. I am able to add a member to this form and it seems to work.

Now I need to have a form for which reports each board position gets. I have a BoardReports join table, configured with foreign keys for BoardPositionKey and ReportKey, each pointing to their respective tables. Just like in the past, I created a BoardReports form containing the 2 fields I need. In my BoardPositions form, I added a page pointing to the BoardReports form and made it a join type form. However, when I run the application, even though I can see a heading for the new page when I view my BoardPositions form, it doesn’t show a list of reports with toggles next to them. There’s no + button to add a record (which is probably fine, because the join form probably doesn’t need that. But where is the list of reports in the join form?

I read the article showing how to create a join form page. It used the table wizard to create the 3 required tables, but I did not. I already had the main table, and just used the Tables screen to add a new table for the Join table (BoardReports). I thought I designed the table correctly. But now I can’t figure out how to get the join page to correctly appear. There should be a list of 1 reports with a switch next to it, as I have 1 report defined currently.

Can you please advise what I did wrong or forgot to do to get the join page to appear correctly? I’ve copied my latest FDF file to OneDrive. Thanks…


It looks like the Reference Form is not set up in the ReportKey field of the BoardReports form. Please select the correct Reference Form and try again.


Thanks Vin, that solved the issue!


Ron Mittelman